Ishizawa Men’s Acne Barrier Lotion 120ml



1. Reaches deep into pores
2. Sterilizes acne bacteria pore by pore.
3. Controls shine and sticky sebum.
4. Leaves skin smooth and clean.
5. Added tea tree oil as cooling agent
6. Active medicated ingredients to sterilize acne-causing bacteria.
7. Suppresses inflammation & prevents acne

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1. Reaches deep into pores
2. Sterilizes acne bacteria pore by pore.
3. Controls shine and sticky sebum.
4. Leaves skin smooth and clean.
5. Added tea tree oil as cooling agent
6. Active medicated ingredients to sterilize acne-causing bacteria.
7. Suppresses inflammation & prevents acne


Product Details

• Medicated lotion that kills the acne-causing bacteria in the pores. Reaches to the bottom of pores to surppress inflammation and prevent acne breakouts. Low-irritation.
• It reaches deep into pores and sterilizes acne bacteria pore by pore. At the same time, it also controls shine and sticky sebum. Leaves skin smooth and clean.
• Tea tree oil (cooling agent) and active medicated ingredients are added to sterilize acne-causing bacteria. It also suppresses inflammation and prevents acne.